jenkins with the blues collective
selected live reviews
2000 (Blue Elephant)
2000 (Vortex)
GERMANY November 2000
20 September 2000
Straight up, it's full of kinks
Jack Massarik
Billy Jenkins with the Blues Collective
Comedy and jazz don't mix easily. For
one thing, you might offend people, including your own band.
"Our violinist Dylan Bates has handed
in his notice because he says I muck about too much," Billy Jenkins claimed,
and since he later introduced the smooth-headed Rick Bolton as "Mr Homer
Simpson on rhythm guitar", it was hard to tell if he was kidding. Though
driven by anger (his new album,, paints a grim picture of
suburban London life), Bromley's thrash-guitar satirist is a bit of a scream.
He gets laughs because his musical
skill gains respect before the jokes start, and because he can think on
his feet, sometimes at Olympic speed. Take the moment his five-man Blues
Collective took the stage. A police car screamed past, siren blaring, and
Billy instantly shoved open a window. "Hey, shuddup! We're trying to play
some jazz in here," he roared, making sudden stooges of the Met's finest.
They like this kind of thing at The Vortex, a cosy little club above a
secondhand bookshop in Stoke Newington.
Billy holds a Tuesday residency here,
which might explain why he refrains from commenting on its veggie food
counter (Nut Roast was the plat du jour) or its twinkly, fairylight decor.
Instead, his selections this week concentrated on major social issues,
like keeping up with the neighbours (Pointless Adornments), consensual
sex with your pet tortoise (First Time The Earth Shook) and the power of
a blues prayer (Forgive Us Our Three Passing Chords and Lead Us Not To
The Temptations).
Bolton, Bates, bassist Thad Kelly and
drummer Roy Dodds played it straight and salvaged some mellifluous moments
before Billy, risking audience participation, found a suitable way to end
the set."Gimme a chord!" "A flat seventh!" Kerrranggg!
Tuesdays until 31 October. Box office:
020 7254 6516.
© Associated Newspapers Ltd.
Nachrichten 6.11.2000
Billy Jenkins mit der Blues Collective
Jazz Ost-West Nürnberg 3.11.00
Mit Billy Jenkins schließlich
hielt zu fortgeschrittener Stunde der musikalische Wahnsinn Einzug. Denn
wenn dieser Brite seinen Blues bekommt, kennt er keine Gnade. Nicht, dass
er ihm die Laune verdürbe, er macht ihm im Gegenteil Lust, alles,
was denn Blues auszumachen scheint, zu zertrümmern. Das Publikum hatte
er auf seiner Seite, als er sich meuchelnd auf ausgenudelte Bluesphrasen
stürzte und dabei die Avantgarde nicht zu beschimpfen vergaß.
© 2000 Nürnberger Nachrichten
Billy Jenkins mit der Blues Collective
Jazz Ost-West Nürnberg 3.11.00
Und Ringo Starr? Der hatte sich ziemlich
verandert, hieß in Wirklichkeit Mike Pickering und spielte in Billy
Jenkins' "Blues Collective". Der Britische Gitarren-Exzentriker mit dem
heraushängenden Hemd und dem wirren Haar also der fleischgewordene
Griff in die Steckdose spielte wieder Dr. Jenkins und Mr. Hyde und
fühlt sich bei der Blues-Persiflage wie John Lee Hooker und Elton
John. Mit zwei Worten: extra irre : "Jazz had a baby, and they called it
Avantgarde", atzte er.
© 2000 Abendzeitung
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